Rodin User and Developer Workshop 2010
University of Düsseldorf, 20-22 September 2010
Invited speakers:
- Jean-Raymond Abrial, Consultant, Marseille, France
- Joseph Kiniry, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Event-B is a formal method for system-level modelling and analysis.
The Rodin Platform is an Eclipse-based toolset for Event-B that provides effective support for modelling and automated proof. The platform is open source and is further extendable with plug-ins. A range of plug-ins have already been developed including ones that support animation, model checking and UML-B.
After the First Rodin User and Developer Workshop in July 2009 at the
University of Southampton has been well received by users and developers
of Rodin, this year's workshop is going to take place at the University of
Duesseldorf. The workshop is going to be colocated with AVOCS 2010, the
10th International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems, September 21-23, 2010. While much
of the development and use of Rodin takes place within the EU FP7
DEPLOY Project,
there is a growing group of users and
plug-in developers outside of DEPLOY. The purpose of this workshop is to
bring together existing and potential users and developers of the Rodin
toolset and to foster a broader community of Rodin users and developers.
For Rodin users the workshop will provide an opportunity to share tool
experiences and to gain an understanding of on-going tool developments.
For plug-in developers the workshop will provide an opportunity to showcase
their tools and to achieve better coordination of tool development effort.
The format will be presentations together with plenty of time for
discussion. On day 1 a Developer Tutorial will be held by Systerel
while days 2 and 3 will be devoted to tool usage
and tool developments.
If you are interested in giving a presentation at the workshop, send a short
abstract (1 or 2 pages of A4) to by 9 August 2010.
Indicate whether it is a tool usage or tool development presentation.
Plug-in presentations may be about existing developments or planned future
Registration and further information is available at:
Note, that registration to the workshop also entitles you to attend AVOCS'10.
Submissions are still possible until 9 August 2010. See above.
Michael Butler, University of Southampton
Stefan Hallerstede, University of Düsseldorf
Michael Leuschel, University of Düsseldorf
Laurent Voisin, Systerel